
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.
Related to bungy: Bunge


a variant spelling of bungee
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NOON Conquer the Nevis Bungy in Queenstown - the second highest bungee jump in Australasia.
Queenstown to Celebrate Quarter Century of Bungy Jumping This Nov.
Sensing my fear, the bungee masters of AJ Hackett (bungy.co.nz) are kind and very slowly count back from three before I stretch my arms out like Jesus on the cross and fall forward.
20 -- Extreme Adventure Sports Company "Jumpin Heights" which provides thrills involving The Bungy, Flying Fox and the recently commissioned Giant Swing, has come out with package offers for all its activities at Rishikesh.
The opening of the Face Adrenalin Bloukrans Bungy Jump in 1997 caused great excitement in the bungee jumping fraternity worldwide; Bloukrans is the world's highest commercial bungee jump at a whopping 216 meters high.