
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.
Related to breath-test: Urea breath test, Hydrogen Breath Test


[ˈbreθtest] VTsometer a la prueba de la alcoholemia or del alcohol
see also breath
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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BOSTON -- Defense attorneys across Massachusetts are reviewing their drunken driving cases and many prosecutors are suspending use of alcohol breath-test evidence while the state reviews possibly miscalibrated breath-analysis machines used by police.
Six bars in Durham have signed up to a 12-week pilot which will see door staff and bar workers the power to breath-test any customers who they feel could be too drunk to be served alcohol.
A DRINK-DRIVER who recorded one of the highest breath-test readings in Scotland was warned by a sheriff yesterday he was facing jail.
London, December 5 ( ANI ): A breath-test that they can accurately tell if a person has bowel cancer has been developed.
In August, prosecutor Robert Shiels falsely told Dennis that police don't automatically breath-test drivers involved in crashes.
The BreathID System is a breath-test platform capable of analyzing parts-per-million changes in carbon 13 and carbon 12 ratios in a patient's breath--intended for use in the qualitative detection of urease associated with Helicobacter pylori in the human stomach and as an aid in initial diagnosis and post treatment monitoring of H pylori infection.
But Cardiff Magistrates Court heard Henwood repeatedly failed to blow properly into a full breath-test machine at the police station - and was charged with failing to provide a specimen of breath.
In the West Midlands Police area only traffic cars and First Response Cars routinely carry breath-test kits.
Among patients with high MELD scores of 17 and 18, a one-point increase in the breath-test score was associated with a 30% higher risk of death, The breath test could be used to assess prognosis from the earliest stages of liver disease to cirrhosis, to help doctors determine whether a cirrhotic patient has enough liver function to undergo a surgical procedure, to prioritize patients for liver transplantation, and perhaps to decide when patients need to start therapy for chronic viral hepatitis.
MILLIONS of motorists will risk losing their licences this Christmas as they are encouraged to drink-drive by the plethora of cheap breath-test kits flooding the market.
Higher failed breath-test rates were found in London, Manchester, the Midlands and the North East.
The only sure way to beat drink-driving is to ban the sale of alcohol or breath-test all motorists who get behind the wheel of a car.