booty bump

booty bump

a method of administering the recreational drug methamphetamine, in which the drug is mixed with water then injected into the rectum with a needleless syringe
[C21: from booty, slang word for the buttocks]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Agbulos' findings showed some partiers were utilizing the anus in administering the drugs, called "booty bump" where a drug is inserted into the rectum for faster absorption and effect prior to sexual contact.
Reaching more than half a million views on YouTube in just two days, there have been high hopes that the "Baby booty bump" video will have more views in the next couple of days.
Meth, says Wendel, "is here, but it's a pretty hidden subculture." The majority of crystal meth in New York is used as a sex drug for gay men, sometimes for anal application before sex (a practice known as a "booty bump").
He was living in Chicago then, and one night a guy he was having sex with introduced him to a "booty bump," inserting meth into Etheridge's rectum.
A Latino man from El Monte, Calif., had been very withdrawn, but after a visit to the bathroom he walks up to a wholesome-looking gym rat wearing a button-down shirt, and the two become buds at once; both are snorters, or "tooters." A self-professed slammer (someone who injects crystal) approaches a man who has done a "booty bump" by dissolving crystal in water and squirting it up his anus.
From poppers to booty bumps, drugs were long a part of LGBT culture before our image--if not the reality of our lives--was cleaned up for mainstream appeal.