book of facts

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: of facts - a book to which you can refer for authoritative factsbook of facts - a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic"
book - a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together); "I am reading a good book on economics"
cookbook, cookery book - a book of recipes and cooking directions
instruction book - a book of directions for using or operating some piece of equipment
source book - a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
wordbook - a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings)
enchiridion, handbook, vade mecum - a concise reference book providing specific information about a subject or location
directory - an alphabetical list of names and addresses
yearly, annual, yearbook - a reference book that is published regularly once every year
book of maps, map collection, atlas - a collection of maps in book form
cyclopaedia, cyclopedia, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia - a reference work (often in several volumes) containing articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order) dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular specialty
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Special features for this new edition of "The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2019" includes: The World at a Glance (providing a quick look at the surprising stats and curious facts that define the changing world and includes a sneak peek at upcoming milestone celebrity birthdays in 2019); Statistical Spotlight (highlighting statistics relevant to the biggest stories of the year); 2018 Election Results; Statistics on crime rates for all major U.S.
Celebrating its 150th anniversary, "The World Almanac[R] and Book of Facts 2018" was recently released.
More than a book of facts, it also inspires wonder at human ingenuity.
GUINNESS Brewery's Sir Hugh Beaver decided to commission a book of facts and figures when he was at a shooting party and there was debate no-one could answer on what was the fastest game bird in Europe.
GUINNESS Brewery's Sir Hugh Beaver decided to commission a book of facts and figures when he was at a shooting party and there was a debate no-one could answer on what was the fastest game bird in Europe.
Los Angeles, CA, January 24, 2013 --( The Long Term Care Insurance Almanac and Book of Facts is a comprehensive source of information related to the subject of long term health care and insurance addressing the risk.
London, Sept 20 (ANI): A new book of facts has revealed some of the world's most mind-boggling nuggets of trivia, and it includes the information that on any single day 400 million people across the planet will have sex.
It is not just a book of facts, it is a witty and very readable book of facts, easily accessible to all ages of children.
Applied science is the primary focus of this book of facts. Extensive use of timelines in the study of the area of interest develops a unifying theme for the book.
Extraordinary Book of Facts and Bizarre Information
However, it remains much more than a standard book of facts. The text imparts an understanding and overview of practice that Kaplan has gained from a lifetime in the practice of cardiac anaesthesia.
McAuley has the ex-Mark Johnston-trained Book Of Facts in the opening 1m1f handicap at Goodwood on Thursday, but will also be entering last November's Wolverhampton maiden winner in a 1m race at Newmarket on Saturday.