bog oak

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bog oak

1. (Plants) oak or other wood found preserved in peat bogs; bogwood
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Jimmy personally dragged a piece of bog oak out of the Lochend swamps, reckoned to be at least 5000 years old.
He has been carefully drying out the 7m long and nearly a metre wide find, ready to be worked as quality bog oak is much sought after by furniture makers.
He points out, however, that closed-canopy forest must also have existed, according to evidence from trunks of 'bog oak' dating back 5,000 to 8,000 years.
So it totally makes sense to make a few handcrafted, super limited Lowdens out of some rare aged whiskey barrels and ancient bog oak, right?
ROLF is now winning design awards for spectacles made from 20 different kinds of wood, including bog oak, walnut and pepper beech ethically sourced through European suppliers.
A yew avenue adds to the air of mystery around this setting where ruined walls of the nave lead to a restored chancel which houses a fine 14th century effigy fashioned from bog oak.
Harder to tell apart are pieces made from bog oak. This is wood from ancient oak trees which have been preserved over millennia in peat, turning it into an iron-hard material which has been used to make small pieces of furniture, domestic utensils...
Speaking to Marija Iljazovic, one of the four founder members of Rolf, she explained the importance of defying the common perception that wood frames are "thick and heavy." Rolf's range is epitomised by a light and sleek look in walnut, beech, eucalyptus and 'bog oak', and for taking a novel approach to frame combinations--aptly demonstrated by the 'Stone' collection.
A witch's cursing bone Made of a deer or sheep's bone stuck into a piece of bog oak, the bone is said to have belonged to witches in Glen Shira, Inveraray, Argyll.
Planks cut from the Fenland Black Oak, or bog oak trunk will be dried over seven months in a specialist kiln.
Mat Foster, from the Aintreebased Glacial Art Ice Sculptor company, worked his magic to recreate an ancient bog oak at the Kasimier Garden in Seel Street.