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(in East Africa) n
1. (Automotive Engineering) a bicycle taxi
2. the bicycle rider in charge of a boda-boda
[from English border border]
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The Nairobi government plans to construct boda-boda sheds that will also act as pick-up points on the fringes of the city centre.
That is the question boda-boda passengers struggle with every time they climb onto what has quickly become Kenya's most popular and most dangerous form of transport.
He said the same incident happened when a boda-boda [motorbike] rider was killed over the weekend in Yambio Freedom Square.
"The Boda-Boda Thieves," produced by Kenya's Sarah Muhoho and South Africa's James Tayler, and directed by Ugandan helmer Donald Mugisha, is a 21st-century adaptation of Vittorio De Sica's 1948 neorealist pic, "The Bicycle Thieves."
He put the boda-boda riders on the spot saying they are being monitored closely because some of them are engaging in crime, especially at night.
But, he said he was still consulting over the 35 per cent figure.Meanwhile, boda-boda operators have given mixed reactions to the proposed amendment of insurance rules to require all riders to have an insurance cover for passengers and pedestrians.
He said he then called his colleagues of boda-boda riders to pursue the robber to Rii-rangu area, but were captured by the armed youth in the area.
Kenneth Onyango, the secretary general of Bake, exchanged blows with boda-boda officials immediately after making the accusation while addressing the press at a Nairobi hotel where the meeting took place.
Mr Gambo has been charged alongside four boda-boda operators after the fracas that resulted in the shooting of at least three people, including a minor.
July 1, 2013 (JUBA) - Thousands of people travel each day in South Sudan's capital of Juba by boda-boda but accidents involving this popular bicycle taxi are on the rise, mostly due to a lack of understanding of traffic rules.
Fishermen, boda-boda riders and cotton farmers are disappointed at the budget delivered on Thursday by National Treasury CS Henry Rotich.
class="MsoNormalMr Christopher Njue, 44, an Embu County enforcement officer attached to Governor Wambora was beaten up by the boda-boda riders in Kithimu area.