

(Hairdressing & Grooming) (of hair) tinted silver-blue
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Luckily, there's magic in the air as panto characters - including a blue-rinsed hairy godmother - join Holly, 37, in this year's Christmas TV ad for Marks & Spencer, to a track by Take That.
Poetry is the preserve of blue-rinsed women using words like 'fo' and 'fum', yet Rooney (above) is just 50-1 with Betway to enter a National Poetry competition, though a lot shorter to enter a national poet.
THE Church of England, an increasingly exclusive elderly clique of greying men and blue-rinsed women, has, as noted on Radio 4''s Today programme, "become obsessed with sex".
I'M looking at the world through blue-rinsed Tory specs, according to R A Vant ('Labour and the NHS', Mailbag, December 7).
Will the old dears who staff her shop respond well to her forthright advice, or will they wilt like a bunch of blue-rinsed marigolds left unwatered in the sun?
Bowling greens should see more plimsolls plodding across their surfaces, with clubs eager to entice new players on board, stressing it isn't just for pipe-puffing grandfathers and blue-rinsed grandmothers.
TORIES may not get elected in Liverpool but to a man and blue-rinsed woman they can sup in that part of Britain, as proven once and for all by the unlikely renaming of the first race of the John Smith's Grand National meeting, writes Neil Morrice.
The style has been sported by 70s sports stars Alan Rough and Kevin Keegan as well as countless blue-rinsed old ladies.
I had the image of horn-rimmed blue-rinsed old ladies shaking their walking sticks at even the hint of progress.
Woodward, who appears on TV tonight in a new version of the cult '70s cop show The Professionals, says the two blue-rinsed wrinklies even followed him to the US.
The joint Cameron-Osborne declaration that "we''re all in it together" in riding out the economic storm is just blue-rinsed tosh.
I'D like to thank PF (All Labour's fault, Mailbag, November 29) for giving us an excellent example of how dangerous it is to look at the past through Tory blue-rinsed spectacles.