blow job

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blow job

a slang term for fellatio
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

blow′ job`

Vulgar Slang.
an act or instance of fellatio.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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She said: "When I asked what it was he said it was a blow job Down Under." Hartley had shouted out "stop it" to Haskell at this point.
They hooked up with a group of men who gave them $60 for each blow job.
Liberals love to roll our eyes and note that we're not the ones who wasted the country's time by impeaching a president over a blow job. But when we wag our fingers about the sexual proclivities of Republican politicians--especially just to make cheap jokes about the gender of the people in question--we are not much better than moralizing conservatives.
Factory 2 attempts to reincarnate the mystifying spirit of Warhol (played superbly by Piotr Skiba, Lupa's emblematic actor) and his coterie: The fictional narrative spans two days in a New York loft (after Warhol's filming of Blow Job) and explores the troubling voyeurism of art that draws, like a vampire sucks blood, from daily life and human behavior.
You might also see Warhol's Blow Job as a direct ancestor of Martin Creed's Sex video now playing at Ikon's main gallery, though the 1960s avant-garde was more inhibited - Warhol's film focuses exclusively on the recipient's face.
Far from it: Pic's eventual portrait of Truman, Farraday, Eleanor and Blow Job living in the perma-cold without much to do, but with plenty to smoke, exudes observed experience.
Intimidated by the officer's race (African American) and an impending thunderstorm, Allen says he did what any other conservative heterosexual male would do: offer the strange man $20 and a blow job. Allen refused to resign and later attended an NAACP dinner to make amends.
According to its narrator, a high school outcast, this high-energy complicated story includes "a mystery woman, a devil head, a blow job, and rock and roll," among other things that open up "the craziest can of worms." Tom's hopes to start a hot band and meet a hot girl keep him going, as do some books left by his dead father.
Even the horses in the parade ring seem particularly perky, a fact possibly related to the comment in the racecard for number 11, Mirpour, in the Guinness (see above) Galway Hurdle, which reads: "Had a good blow job here on Monday."
His thesis advisor suggested that he focus on where "the average guy goes to get a blow job." The budding graduate student was on his way: "Once I got started in the subject, I was fascinated.
When I first started working as a sexual health educator with students and teachers in the 1970s and early 1980s, the only time that oral sex was discussed was when the class character would ask, with much bravado, the giggle-provoking question, "What is a blow job?" When we started to teach about HIV/ AIDS we had to get more explicit but my sense is that the emphasis in most classrooms was, and in some cases still is, on vaginal sex.