blood knot

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blood knot

1. An overhand knot with multiple wraps tied in the thongs of a whip.
2. A knot used to join two lines, especially in fly fishing to attach a leader to the main line, tied by coiling either end around the opposite line and passing the ends between the two lines where the coils meet.

[From the fact that such knots in whips draw blood.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.blood knot - a knot used for tying fishing leaders together; the ends of the two leaders are wrapped around each other two or three times
knot - any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object
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This application replaces the blood knot, which is one of the most unwieldy of all knots to handle.
Rather than joining mainline to dropper via a traditional blood knot, he prefer a dropper loop knot.
SO GOES ONE OF THE CLIMACTIC MOMENTS OF Athol Fugard's 1961 play Blood Knot. It's enough to make anyone shift uncomfortably, no matter who is onstage.
Tie the floss to your backing loop by way of a half blood knot. At the other end tie on a three foot cast of an appropriate breaking strain, the strength depending on what species you are targeting.
Terwyl die meeste van sy vroee dramas as die sogenaamde Port Elizabeth-dramas bekend staan (onder meer Master Harold and the Boys, Boesman en Lena, Blood Knot), het hy veral die laaste paar jaar dramas geskryf wat meestal in die Karoo (veral in Nieu-Bethesda en omgewing) afspeel (onder meer The Road to Mecca, Valley Song, Sorrows and Rejoicings).
More recently, Sand is finding his Clark preparation very helpful in playing fairer skinned South Africa sibling Morris in the Boston Center for American Performance revival of the Athol Fugard anti-apartheid 1961 play "Blood Knot" (through March 2).
and the Boys," "Blood Knot," "A Lesson From Aloes," "The Island" and "Sizwe Banzi Is Dead." But never has the award been his.
The Blood Knot by John Galligan is the engagingly entertaining story of a young, devoted fly fisherman named 'The Dog', and his survival in the Wisconsin town of Avalanche.
After four books of short stories (Blood Knot, Dry Rain, King of the Mountain, The Tall Uncut), most of which deal with the daily lives and problems of the relatively uneducated or the inexperienced, Fromm offers Night Swimming, yet another collection of tales cut to the smaller sizes of humankind.
Fugard's earliest plays were No-Good Friday and Nongogo (both published in Dimetos and Two Early Plays, 1977), but it was The Blood Knot (1963), produced for stage (1961) and television (1967) in both London and New York City, that established his international reputation.
Mokae has appeared all over the world in Fugard plays, including The Blood Knot, A Lesson For Aloes, and Master Harold, for which he won a Tony Award during the shows Broadway run.