blood agar

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blood agar

An agar medium that is enriched with whole blood and used to grow certain strains of bacteria.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Noun1.blood agar - a culture medium containing whole blood as the nutrientblood agar - a culture medium containing whole blood as the nutrient
agar, nutrient agar - any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent
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on blood agar was small, smooth and translucent colonies without hemolysis, Gram staining of isolated colonies revealed gram negative rods.
Biochemical characterization was performed with Indol, Methyl-Red (MR), Voges-Proskauer (VP), Citrate, Urease, Oxidase, Catalase, Haemolysis on blood agar, Growth on MCA, Growth on BHI, Growth on EMB and Growth on BA for confirmation of isolates.
Preliminary identification of Staphylococcus aureus was done by observing the colony morphology on blood agar plates and Gram staining.
Key words: Fowl cholera, Layer farms, Polymerase chain reaction, Brain heart infusion blood agar, Pasteurella multocida.
Other selective media such as MacConkey agar medium Pseudomonas agar medium Minitol salt agar EMB medium Blood agar and Simmon citrate agar medium were also used for identification of specific bacteria isolated individually on the epidermis of the fish.
Urine samples showing pus cells = 5/HPF were inoculated on to Blood agar (BA) MacConkey agar (MAC) and HiCrome UTI agar (CA) media simultaneously and incubated overnight aerobically at 370C.
Although Oxoid blood agar base was mainly used in this study, we transiently switched to blood agar base of Remel (Lenexa, USA), and Mast Diagnostics (Merseyside, UK), and found that the CA made from any of these basal media, either with or without IVX supplementation, supported confluent growth of H.
By utilising a less toxic alternative to cycloheximide, Modified Butzler (ISO) Selective Supplement provides a safer means of suppressing overgrowth by saprophytic fungi and yeasts in Columbia Blood Agar cultures, thus achieving a rating one hazard class lower than the traditional formulation.
The isolates grew on blood agar, yielding colonies with a smooth center and rough edges, and displayed a hemolysis.
Bacterial culture in blood agar was obtained in three days.
It is haemolytic in blood agar. On MacConkey medium, colonies are bright pink due to lactose fermentation.
HuBA was prepared from washed and unwashed HuB at the indicated 3-5% final HuB concentrations using blood agar base No.