bleaching agent

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Noun1.bleaching agent - an agent that makes things white or colorlessbleaching agent - an agent that makes things white or colorless
benzoyl peroxide - a white crystalline peroxide used in bleaching (flour or oils or fats) and as a catalyst for free radical reactions
agent - a substance that exerts some force or effect
bleaching powder, chloride of lime, chlorinated lime - a white powder comprised of calcium hydroxide and chloride and hypochlorite and used to bleach and/or disinfect
bleach liquor - a solution containing bleaching agents that is used to bleach textiles or paper pulp
calcium hypochlorite - any hypochlorite of calcium; used as a bleaching agent
chlorine dioxide - an explosive gas (ClO2) used chiefly in bleaching paper or starch or soap or flour and in water purification
chlorine water - an aqueous solution of chlorine used as a bleaching agent
Clorox - a commercial bleaching agent
liquid bleach - a solution containing bleaching agents; used for laundry
sodium hypochlorite - an unstable salt (NaOCl) used as a bleaching agent and disinfectant
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

bleaching agent

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References in periodicals archive ?
ENPNewswire-September 2, 2019--Umea University: Bacteria in pneumonia attack using bleaching agent
H2O2 can be used as a bleaching agent. For those trying to get a new look, the liquid can lighten or highlight hair.
Another harmful ingredient that is often found in skin-lightening products is hydroquinone, a bleaching agent. That skin-bleaching and whitening creams damage the health of consumers is an open secret.
Lab tests found the skin lightening products had the banned bleaching agent hydroquinone.
Liverpool Crown Court heard the teeth whitening strips had 100 times the legal amount of bleaching agent allowed under European safety laws.
In Group C (green), the teeth were bleached in the same procedure as Group B, after washing away the bleaching agent for two hours, 10% sodium ascorbate solution was applied to the enamel surface of the embedded teeth as an irrigation solution for 10min at a flow rate of 1ml/min.
This included non-food grade bleaching agent that is prohibited by the SFA.
Pakistani textile sector is facing a shortage of hydrogen peroxide, a chemical used as a bleaching agent for textiles, as local manufacturers reduced it supply in the country.
Currently, the most common bleaching agent is hydrogen peroxide, which steals electrons from the pigment molecules that cause teeth discoloration, and this process can be sped up by exposing teeth to blue light.
2011 suggested that when we use 30% of hydrogen peroxide mixed with sodium perborate (ratio 2:1 g/mL), we obtain an alkaline pH and the bleaching agent will be more effective.
In 2004, the Kenya Wildlife Service went to court seeking a share of the hundreds of millions of dollars generated from the sale of the popular detergent and bleaching agent manufactured in the US whose active ingredients were acquired from the lake illegally.