bissextile year

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Related to bissextile year: intercalary year
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Noun1.Bissextile year - in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400bissextile year - in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400
twelvemonth, year, yr - a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days; "she is 4 years old"; "in the year 1920"
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Not much, then, is to be gained by cursing Greenwich at 11.59 pm on 31 December 1999, or even by following Joyce's conversion in Ulysses of 'the bissextile year one thousand nine hundred and four of the Christian era' into the 'jewish era five thousand six hundred and sixtyfive, mohammedan era one thousand three hundred and twentytwo' (p.