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Related to bismark: Otto von Bismarck
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Noun1.bismark - a raised doughnut filled with jelly or jambismark - a raised doughnut filled with jelly or jam
raised doughnut - a doughnut made light with yeast rather than baking powder
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References in classic literature ?
Mamma won't have it cut up, and my ermine one must be kept for best;" and Fanny smoothed her Bismark kids with an injured air.
It is related of Bismark, who had been awarded a medal for gallantly rescuing a drowning person, that, being asked the meaning of the medal, he replied: "I save lives sometimes." And sometimes he didn't.
Another great adventure for Bismark the Sugar Glider, Tobin the Pangolin, and Dawn the Fox, who are all competing to be the Chestnut Checkers Champion.
When his dad Bismark Odoi played soccer in his homeland of Ghana, he made just PS7 a month - with a PS2.80 win bonus and 70p travel expenses.
Brownells learned the School Resource Officers in Bismark, North Dakota were looking to outfit their force with AR-15 rifles.
Custom builder Mike Bismark sold his latest model home for a shade more than $1 million to JoAnn Toth, a buyer who came to an open house and fell in love with it.
Also expected to shine are National University's Terrence Fortea, Gerry Abadiano and Carl Tamayo, UST's Mark Nonoy and Bismark Lina, and FEU's Royce Alforque.
Kevin Tulipana, director of hospital medicine and vice chief of staff, earned a master's degree in bioethics from the University of Mary in Bismark, North Dakota.
It was Bismark, the German chancellor, who called for this meeting to deliberate on the process of colonising Africa and avoid any war among the 'Enlightened' nations.
Bismark Tyobeka, President of the Sixth Review Meeting and Chief Executive Officer of the National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa, will open the proceedings and IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano will address the opening plenary session, it said in a press release on Thursday.
Tel: 0191 491 3878 THE 24th May marks the 77th anniversary of The Battle of Denmark Strait when the German battleship Bismark, sank HMS Hood with the loss of 1415 lives.
Bismark Okyere, a Kumawood filmmaker, told Africa News: "People watch it, in the buses, everywhere, their homes, and if they are showing Kumawood movies and the English movies here, you'll see more people go and watch the Kumawood movies than the English ones.