bill of quantities

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bill of quantities

(Surveying) a document drawn up by a quantity surveyor providing details of the prices, dimensions, etc, of the materials required to build a large structure, such as a factory
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A bill of quantities is a detailed statement of work, in which materials, parts and labour are itemized and priced.
Bill of Quantities is a detailed statement of work, prices, dimensions, and other details, for the erection of a building by contract.EMPLOY LOCALS class="MsoNormalMr Samboja also encouraged contractors to employ skilled and non-skilled locals.
Per the bill of quantities and other related drawings the Commission sent to the office of the President, an amount of US$29,181,290.28 was the approximated cost for the construction.
He also noted that a project officer had been trained in-house on formulating a bill of quantities to expedite the process.