

n. Chiefly Southern US

[Dialectal variant of business.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In the magazine bidness, like all bidness, there's a lot of talk about the competition.
For the native Texans - they both pronounce it "bidness" - it's a need to pay forward not just their wealth, but the lessons they learned themselves: To teach America that ( greed is not good , that there's more to building a business than just making money.
(7.) Martin Blanc, "Taiwan Semiconductor Confirms Release of 7nm Processors by 2017," Bidness Etc, May 31, 2015,
Before MacDill became a Wings & Things SOCOM Superstore, when a few peeling, faded signs still read simply "MacDill Field," nameless guys in a business they jokingly called "Nunya," as in Nunya Bidness, could touch down, be de-briefed and slide out unnoticed.
With blue grass music from Nobodies Bidness. Admission is $10, with children 12 and younger free.
Iknow all her bidness! Defaulted student loans totaling $300,000!
Jersey jes a bidness ting y'know, Natty wait til da day dey legalize da medical ere inna New York.
Ravenel hopes to locate and destroy the traitor to the "code of the forest." At Bowman's Forest, a private hunting and fishing preserve, the code, grown through a network of favors given and received, is the way "bidness" has been done in the Carolinas for generations.
Despite his setbacks in the Parakeet Bidness, I think I've finally hit upon a sure-fire moneymaker that he would heartily endorse.
Busy in a Sad Mini-station Turn talented people into usable commodities, or "bidness as usual."
It is widely believed in Texas that the highest purpose of government is to create "a healthy bidness climate." The legislature is so dominated by special interests that the gallery where the lobbyists sit is called "the owners' box." The consequences of unregulated capitalism, of special interests being able to buy government through campaign contributions, are more evident here because Texas is "first and worst" in this area.