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literary covered or adorned with or as if with spangles or jewels
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
The sea was glittering and bespangled with sunlight.
Over his armour he wore a surcoat or cassock of what seemed to be the finest cloth of gold, all bespangled with glittering mirrors like little moons, which gave him an extremely gallant and splendid appearance; above his helmet fluttered a great quantity of plumes, green, yellow, and white, and his lance, which was leaning against a tree, was very long and stout, and had a steel point more than a palm in length.
"Now, there is, in good truth, a prince all bespangled over with gold and diamonds, enamelled with flowers like a spring meadow; he is about to plunge his empty hands into the immense coffer in which his now faithful -- but so lately unfaithful -- subjects have amassed one or two cartloads of ingots of gold.
He must remind himself every now and then that the great event transpired in the open air, and not in a gloomy, candle- lighted cell in a little corner of a vast church, up-stairs--a small cell all bejeweled and bespangled with flashy ornamentation, in execrable taste.
Fyne, and went out of the cottage to be confronted outside its door by the bespangled, cruel revelation of the Immensity of the Universe.
Garner's slippery monuments bring our nation's deep trauma to the fore, bespangled with raw wounds and pierced by the threat of more violence to come.
[I'm] sitting with my back to a tree in a little wood or copse with my feet touching the babbling waters of a little stream, the banks of which are bespangled with the blue of a multitude of violets.
the sky Spreads like an ocean hung on high, Bespangled with those isles of light, So wildly, spiritually bright; Who ever gazed upon them shining, And turned to earth without repining, Nor wished for wings to flee away, And mix with their eternal ray?