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Related to benztropine: Trihexyphenidyl

benztropine, benzatropine

(INN) n benztropina, benzatropina (INN)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Parkinson's Medication: Benztropine, Procyclidine, Trihexyphenidyl, Amantadine
Oral treatment of hyperhidrosis, with medications such as glycopyrrolate and benztropine, has been reserved for second-or third-line treatment because of the unwanted side effects of dry mouth and drowsiness.
Maintained on multiple medications, including lithium, valproic acid, bethanechol, nitrofurantoin, benztropine. Seizures concomitant with abrupt discontinuation of haloperidol, 80 mg/d Wyderski et al (38) (1999) Table 3 Case reports of seizures attributed to paliperidone, quetiapine, and risperidone Dose of antipsychotic/ Case report Summary serum levels Paliperidone Liang et al Man, age 41 9 mg/d for (29) (2011) Three months of 1 month treatment Schneider and Lizer Man, age 46 Four 3 mg/d on Day 1 (28) (2008) days of treatment 6 mg/d on Days 2, 3, and 4 Quetiapine Young et al Woman, age 27 Overdose with 30 g.
These include anticholinergics (trihexyphenidyl, benztropine), GABAergic drugs (clonazepam, baclofen), antidopaminergics (tetrabenazine) and mexiteline.
Benztropine, a selective [M.sub.1] receptor antagonist, reduces the adverse side effects of antipsychotic treatments in schizophrenic patients (20).
Low-dose amitriptyline improved disability outcomes at 3 months for patients with chronic low back pain, but it did not improve outcomes in disability, work absences, and pain intensity at 6 months in a randomized trial comparing it against benztropine mesylate.
LOW-DOSE AMITRIPTYLINE improved disability outcomes at 3 months for patients with chronic low back pain but did not improve outcomes in disability, work absences, and pain intensity at 6 months in a randomized trial comparing it against benztropine mesylate; however, researchers say the antidepressant holds promise in being an effective treatment for people with the condition.
One child was prescribed 10 different shots and pills, including the antipsychotic drugs Latuda, Geodon and Olanzapine, the Parkinson's medication Benztropine, the seizure medications Clonazepam and Divalproex, the nerve pain medication and antidepressant Duloxetine, and the cognition enhancer Guanfacine.
One month later, she was discharged home with paliperidone (12 mg/day), benztropine (1 mg/day), lorazepam (0.5 mg/day) and was followed up in an out-patient clinic.
(16) For patients with tremor-predominant PD (characterized by prominent tremor of one or more limbs and a relative lack of significant rigidity and bradykinesia), first-line treatment choices are dopamine agonists (ropinirole, pramipexole), carbidopa/levodopa, and anticholinergic medications, including benztropine and trihexyphenidyl.
Similarly, the extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) reported by patients showed various movement disorders such as acute dystonic reactions and pseudoparkinsonism which are usually managed with trihexyphenidyl and benztropine [61, 62].