

vb (tr)
to decorate with medals
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Meanwhile, Cebu City's harvest came from arnis where it won 11 golds, and archery with eight golds - all courtesy of Aldrener Igot Jr., who became the most bemedaled athlete in the tournament.
Despite missing out on the overall title, Cebu City still has something to cheer about as Aldrener Igot completed his quest to become the meet's most bemedaled athlete.
Magvrylle Matchino of Laguna also took the spotlight as she emerged the most bemedaled athlete in centerpiece athletics with five golds and a silver.
"I wanted to come back and finish my career how I wanted and this was the cherry on top of the cake," the bemedaled athlete said.
One after another they surface: bemedaled generals coming out of well-pensioned retirements to salute themselves for their military careers of duty-honor-country-valor.
Against all common sense and moral propriety, the bemedaled flag officers of the Pentagon put women on the front lines and turned the military into a social-services agency.
Not the President, nor Congress, nor the bemedaled pit-bulls staffing the Pentagon...
One searches desperately through the work of a poet who has been bemedaled and belaureled many times for a single poem worthy of the name.
Glorious leader, bemedaled and embalmed, you lie at last a relic, marble-biered in state, while masses of my peasant selves, black-shawled, file past to view what was my tyrant heart.
Crowds applauding the bemedaled texts: victorious; heroic; humble, even, out of context.
Igot has a chance to become the all-time most bemedaled athlete of the annual youth sports meet in the penultimate day of the games on Friday as he will join Khalil Jusper Abella and Kien Zhyron Torreon in the men's team and Densin Shane Dinopol in the mixed team competitions.
Mangaoang, the Fil-American who is representing the country for the first time, came out as the Philippines' most bemedaled bet after also nabbing the gold-her third-in the 200m breast in 2:34.38.