beef loin

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Noun1.beef loin - cut of meat from a loin of beef
cut of beef - cut of meat from beef cattle
sirloin - the portion of the loin (especially of beef) just in front of the rump
porterhouse, porterhouse steak - large steak from the thick end of the short loin containing a T-shaped bone and large piece of tenderloin
boeuf, beef - meat from an adult domestic bovine
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The peptides from thermolysin hydrolysates of beef loin were separated and analyzed by UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS using a reverse phase C18 column (Waters, USA).
Main course was Kitayama beef loin with local farm vegetables, dalandan and black pepper jus.
'Sinag' (ray of light), which will offer all-day Filipino breakfast favorites like 'Tapsilog' (tapa or salted beef, 'sinangag' or fried rice and 'itlog' or egg) and Batchoy, an Ilonggo noodle soup with pork offal, crushed pork cracklings and beef loin.
(1987) treated beef loin steaks with AA and ethanol, and reported that there was no difference in the viable bacterial count with a treated with ethanol only control, after 13d of storage at 4[degrees]C in hermetically sealed plastic containers.
Hope-Jones, "Evaluation of three vacuum packaging methods for retail beef loin cuts," Meat Science, vol.
The British like to claim it as their own and point to Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, who supposedly ordered up a beef loin in pastry to celebrate whipping Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo.
Romance under the stars is the theme for the evening, and that's exactly what you and your partner can do while feasting on a five course menu by the pool, which features a seafood platter, wild mushrooms ragout, braised beef loin with fresh vegetables and natural beef jus, and an assortment of delectable mini pastries to share.
The goose liver pate, sauteed chicken with queso and beef loin with gooseliver bun are particular favourites.
AT YOUR SERVICE Top, Charlotte Harbottle at the butchery counter in O'Shea's in Knightsbridge, and above, at work in Lidgate's, Holland Park, London, carrying a beef loin. Right, Charlotte Harbottle with chef Jamie Oliver at a BBQ with butchers, prior to his entering a sausage challenge in Germany with farmer Jimmy Doherty
Among gourmet meat categories, average weekly sales of beef loin at traditional supermarkets were $2,403 for the year ending Aug.
Both beef loin and pork belly caused a change in the color of freshness indicators after being stored for six days at 2 C.
The highlight of the elegant candlelit dinner at a panoramic window overlooking the course was the beef loin with virgin olive oil and rosemary which was so tender my hubby reckoned "you could eat it with your lips".