beady eye

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beady eye

informal keen watchfulness that may be somewhat hostile: he's got his beady eye on you.
ˌbeady-ˈeyed adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Snakes!--with their forked tongues, their beady eyes and glittering scales, their hissing and their rattling--did I not already know them far too well on that day of my first circus when I saw the snake-charmer lift them up?
Here was the fighter--the beast with a streak for a forehead, with beady eyes under lowering and bushy brows, flat-nosed, thick-lipped, sullen-mouthed.
"What news?" Da Souza cried, his beady eyes protuberant, and his glass arrested half-way to his mouth.
Martin came back and looked at the beady eyes, sneering, truculent, cowardly, and there leaped into his vision, as on a screen, the same eyes when their owner was making a sale in the store below - subservient eyes, smug, and oily, and flattering.
"I think that there is nothing else of importance here, but I will look." He whipped out his lens and a tape measure, and hurried about the room on his knees, measuring, comparing, examining, with his long thin nose only a few inches from the planks, and his beady eyes gleaming and deep-set like those of a bird.
The former had flushed up to the roots of his flaxen hair, while the other's beady eyes glistened with curiosity and resentment.
He had bright beady eyes and stiff grey whiskers and his tail was like a long bit of black india-rubber.
Bute's beady eyes eagerly fixed on her, as the latter sate steadfast in the arm- chair by the bedside.
For half a minute, with beady eyes, the wild thing studied them, with twitching sensitive nose reading the messages of the air.
But the cocky star lost his hat at the end of Beady Eye's set.
They can then take them along to Solihull Arts Complex where the TV antiques guru will cast his beady eye over them.
To say that it's been a turbulent time for Beady Eye over the last few months is a bit of an understatement.