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(General Physics) chem denoting or relating to a shift to a longer wavelength in the absorption spectrum of a compound
ˈbathoˌchrome n
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On titration with CT-DNA, complex 1 exhibits slight hypochromic and narrow bathochromic effects; whereas, complex 2 displays significant hypochromic and large bathochromic effects; moreover, complex 3 shows slight hyperchromic and narrow hypsochromic effects.
Once the shifts means the appearing of stretching frequencies at lower energy values in the electromagnetic spectrum, these events are well known as red- shifts rather than the bathochromic effect widely cited [120].
Meanwhile, larger bathochromic shift was observed in fibers than in films, because the [pi] -[pi] interaction of electrospun membrane was stronger than that of coating film.
Otherwise the conjugation length would be larger and a bathochromic shift would be observed.
When diluted in distilled water (pH = 3.8) or in methanol (pH = 12), maximum absorption peaks can be observed in three bands: 243~243.5nm, 280~282nm, and 324~331nm, respectively, with a slight bathochromic shift, but with a strong hypsochromic shift at a wavelength from 383.6 nm to 302.5 nm.
The absorption wavelengths of complexes (1)-(4) have shifted towards longer wavelengths (bathochromic shift) compared to the wavelengths of the reactants (copper, ferrozine, and ferene).
Generally, the better conjugation in the thiophene-based analogue would cause some small bathochromic shift of the band maximum, not only its broadening.
It can be seen as expected that there is a gradual systematic bathochromic shift of the important MLCT transition as the electron affinity of the functional group located on the polypyridyl ligand is increased.
The bathochromic shifts of asymmetric ([]) and hypsochromic shifts of symmetric ([v.sub.s]) frequencies are also observed.