barn raising

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barn raising

A social event in which members of a community assist in the building of a new barn.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

barn′ rais`ing

(in rural areas) a party, usu. providing food and drink, for the purpose of assisting a neighbor to put up a new barn.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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It was an exercise in efficiency and teamwork, a scene reminiscent of an old-fashioned barn raising. Company executives didn't sit on the sidelines, but contributed to the heavy lifting.
Anthony Sannino, co-owner of Sannino Vineyard, said that, "Seeing the timbers go up is the closest thing to an old-fashioned barn raising we'll see in the modern world.
Strips of fabric, or "logs," are stitched around a square "hearth" to form a block, or "cabin." Depending on how logs are pieced and blocks arranged, a Log Cabin can take varied forms, such as Barn Raising, Straight Furrow, Sunshine and Shadow, and Pineapple.
A SHIRE horse, street food from across the globe and a barn raising were just some of the delights on offer this weekend at the Conwy Feast.
"It was truly a 'barn raising,' as our family and friends gathered for the day and watched the house go up before our very eyes." Although the outside structure went up in a day, it took John an entire year to finish the home with the help of local builder Kevin Koehn.
I've seen the spirit of a barn raising in practice, and it's a wonderful thing to behold.
A community work day was held, and about 40 people came together to participate in an event that resembled an old-fashioned barn raising. Today, garden beds filled with peppers and tomatoes have replaced the trash and broken glass.
Its counterpart in foreign cultures are gotong royong in Malaysia and Indonesia, harambee in Africa, and the American barn raising.
Today, you'd probably need an app to find a barn raising. Modern society's ties to agriculture tend to be weak at best, and even if you know the farmers down the road, you probably don't know how you can support their businesses.
What Kline meant by "no debt" was that the community got together and did a barn raising. Friends and neighbors contributed the new barn as their gift.