bandwidth hog

bandwidth hog

A large file that takes a long time to download and at the same time makes it impossible to access anything else online. Also a person who is online for long periods.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Video is the biggest bandwidth hog of all due to the popularity of applications such as Skype for Business and streaming services such as Netflix.
But video is a bandwidth hog that can significantly slow network activity.
23, with video provider and noted bandwidth hog Netflix signing a deal with Internet service provider Comcast to improve the speed its service receives.
High-def is a "bandwidth hog," he added, so there may be issues with the communications architecture as well, he noted.
But PCoIP is still enough of a bandwidth hog that trying to deliver high-definition video or support multiple monitors to remote users or branch offices over wide area networks remains "impractical," Wolf said.
If this is your network, you probably also believe that a 100-KB e-mail file attachment is a bandwidth hog!
IT managers like its simplicity - it is not a bandwidth hog and there are no inboxes, outboxes, folders and saved messages clogging disk space.
It quickly became embroiled in arguments that it was a bandwidth hog which it never really shook off despite changes of direction, leadership and a initial public offering valuing the company at $256m, which it launched one year ago and pulled two months later.
Most importantly, high quality video like HDTV, which is a real bandwidth hog, and also applications like videoconferencing.
It can also pre-fetch graphics, which the free version is prevented from doing, but, says Kavner, this doesn't mean NetSonic is going to become a bandwidth hog and assures us that it "is friendly on the internet as well." A site exclusion feature enables users to exclude certain sites from being updates, such as those that are database driven, which could tie up considerable bandwidth.
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