backgammon board

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Noun1.backgammon board - the board on which backgammon is playedbackgammon board - the board on which backgammon is played
gameboard, board - a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games; "he got out the board and set up the pieces"
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References in classic literature ?
Sparsit, from her place at the backgammon board, was constantly straining her eyes to pierce the shadows without.
I saw him so often in the course of the evening, which passed very pleasantly, contemplate Richard and Ada with an interest and a satisfaction that made his fine face remarkably agreeable as he sat at a little distance from the piano listening to the music--and he had small occasion to tell us that he was passionately fond of music, for his face showed it--that I asked my guardian as we sat at the backgammon board whether Mr.
This led to subjective differences of opinion, not to say objective interchanges of boot- jacks, backgammon boards, and other such domestic missiles, between Fledgeby's father and Fledgeby's mother, and those led to Fledgeby's mother spending as much money as she could, and to Fledgeby's father doing all he couldn't to restrain her.
The backgammon board is often decorated with folk ornament.
In total, there are 101 games for the traditional backgammon board.
Glassware, chair ornaments, a gorgeous antique floor mosaic decorated with a repeating pattern of Alexandrine parrots (so called because Alexander the Great introduced this species to the region from the Punjab), a lavish inlaid backgammon board, and other beautiful quotidian effects encapsulate successive ages of refined domesticity and leisure.
Lee Broom turned his pair into a black high-ankle Chelseaesque boot with buckles; backgammon board designer Alexandra Llewellyn used lilac bolts to encircle the ankle on a blue boot; and designer Faye Toogood interpreted the desert boot as a Roman sandal with a sock in it.
IIanit Ovadya's crystal backgammon board is a wonderful example of this.
But after helping them out he's integrated in to the group, first retrieving a backgammon board from the floor above for Meghan, before later looting some oxygen tanks from a nursing home, in a terrifying scene complete with wheelchair-bound zombies.
Espresso set, PS6.75; Backgammon board mug, PS2.55.
The oldest known backgammon board and dice are among other finds unearthed at this site.
In his gaming pursuits, his abilities are bounded by his backgammon board. Also, he longs for the old days, when men like his father professed loyalty to one employer for life, and employers recognized and rewarded their workers' appreciation.