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Adj.1.Bacilliform - formed like a bacillusbacilliform - formed like a bacillus    
formed - having or given a form or shape
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References in periodicals archive ?
Coat proteins of Rice tungro bacilliform virus and Mungbean yellow mosaic virus contain multiple nuclear-localization signals and interact with importin a.
Beachy, "RF2a, a bZIP transcriptional activator of the phloem-specific rice tungro bacilliform virus promoter, functions in vascular development," The EMBO Journal, vol.
The females are further characterized by an elongate head with a gular bridge without a sclerotized median carina or a felted line, mandibles with one gland only, absence of labrum, bilobed clypeus with a median setose carina, pedicel without axial spines, third segment with three completely fused anelli and a short unsegmented acuminated projection, labiomaxillary complex with distinct stipes and galea, bacilliform process pointing backward, segmented labium, forewing closed costal cell, spurious veins and moderate pilosity, and a twelfth flagellomere.
Bacidia kekesiana is distinguished by the minute birefracting crystals in the exciple, ascospores with 0-4 cells that are 25 (-30) X 1.9(-2.4) [micro]m, and conidia that are bacilliform and <5.5 X <1.2 [micro]m (Harris, 2009).