

the generation of the tetraploid state, created by the fusing of two nuclei from the same species
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Population genetic variation, geographic structure, and multiple origins of autotetraploidy in Galax urceolata.
The necessity of alfalfa cultivation could be attributed to changeable morphological and physiological features such as allogamy and autotetraploidy which determine alfalfa high forage yield (Radovic et al., 2009).
Autotetraploidy in Fimbristylisfaleata (Vahl) Kunth (Cyperaceae).
Amphidiploid development from the interspecific hybridization of 2x Lotus species followed by colchicine-induced autotetraploidy has been successful (Somaroo and Grant, 1971; O'Donoughue and Grant, 1988), and resulting amphidiploids have been crossed with L.
The allogamy of this species and its autotetraploidy contribute to large within-population or within-variety genetic variation.
In cases where only quadrivalents are observed at meiosis, these are considered evidence of autotetraploidy. Otherwise, artificial hybrids between the tetraploid and a number (in Kihara's example, three) of diploid species (p.
Autotetraploidy in Haplopappus spinulosus hybrids: evidence from natural and synthetic tetraploids.