

self-consuming or devouring of itself
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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New research points out that intermittent fasting (IF) if carried out in the right manner can actually trigger autophagy (autophagous or self-consuming membranes form around cells that scavenge dead cells, gobbling up these and cleansing the body), reducing inflammation and disease, triggering fat loss, healing and a host of benefits.
Reason against itself, the accursed share of rationality, the autophagous canny.
It evokes the ogres of fairy tales, who, in his canine rage, would have become autophagous" (124).
The eternally circular ouroboros is generally accepted to symbolize life's completion and renewal, but bear in mind that the ouroboros is actually a snake that's eating itself in a nihilistic, autophagous felo-de-se, and it seems that Manganelli might have envisioned Centuria not as circular (which it's not--its recurrent elements are more symphonic, like Curtis White's Requiem or even Calvino's Invisible Cities), but as ouroborically destructive.
Specifically, volume 2 of "Go Up to the Hilltops" chronicles the years of the Russo-Japanese War (1905) and the subsequent turbulence in czarist Russia, World War I, and the concomitant prelude to Estonia's independence - all seen against the backdrop of the generational clash between Burnt Hill's insessorial old and autophagous young people.