

in a stranded manner or from the point of view of being run aground
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
There were some boats and barges astrand in the mud, and these enabled us to come within a few yards of her without being seen.
Portanto, a relacao linear entre o V[O.sub.2] e a frequencia cardiaca (FC), tem sido utilizada para estimar o consumo de oxigenio e o gasto energetico em jogadores (Astrand e colaboradores, 2003).
(26.) Hellstrom L, Waern K, Montelius E, Astrand B, Rydberg T, Petersson G.
A capacidade aerobia maxima ([VO.sub.2] max.), tambem denominada de consumo maximo de oxigenio, e aceita como a medida normativa de aptidao cardiorrespiratoria, sendo considerada o padrao-ouro entre todos os indices (Astrand e Rodhal, 1987).
In addition, based on the well-known linear relationship between heart rate (HR) and V[O.sub.2], alternative indirect approaches for the V[O.sub.2] estimate and the subsequent estimate of EE have been developed (Astrand et al., 2003).
(15.) Stenberg J, Astrand PO, Ekblom B, Royce J, Saltin B.
Astrand, "DL and the dimensions and functional capacities of the O2 transport system in humans," Journal of Applied Physiology, vol.
The PCI was founded on the principle that HR and walking speed are linearly related to V[O.sub.2] at the submaximal levels of exercise (Astrand and Rodahl).
[61] compared cardiopulmonary responses between four widely used treadmill testing protocols in 51 men (22 active, 29 sedentary): Balke [62], Bruce [63], Ellestad [64], and modified Astrand [65].