assured tenancy

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Related to assured tenancy: shorthold tenancy, Tenancy agreement

assured tenancy

(Law) Brit an agreement between a government-approved body such as a housing association and a tenant for occupation of a newly-built house or flat at an agreed market rent, under which the tenant has security of tenure. Compare regulated tenancy
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Then the lease becomes an assured tenancy, which makes the property even more undesirable.
If the yearly ground rent exceeds [pounds sterling]1,000 in Greater London or [pounds sterling]250 elsewhere and the tenant occupies the property as their home (as opposed to renting it out as an investor) then the lease becomes an 'assured tenancy'.
It is likely you have a short assured tenancy which will have been set for a fixed time.
Fees include any fees, charges or penalties which a landlord or tenant pays to the agent in relation to letting agency work, property management work or in connection with an assured tenancy or a house let under an assured tenancy.
For the purposes of the legislation, "fees" are basically defined as any monies which a landlord or tenant pays to the agent or letting agency or property management work, in connection with an assured tenancy.
AI take it you were renting from a private landlord and have an assured tenancy agreement.
Many would rather lose a portion of their benefit than leave a street property for a gardenless flat, and no-one in their right mind swaps a secure for an assured tenancy. Many turn down potential swaps based on the subtle distinction between right to buy and right to acquire (a distinction we are yet to understand).
Secured Tenancy Agreements would be replaced by Assured Tenancy Agreements with housing bosses pledging that tenants' rights would be protected.
However, it also included an "assured tenancy" contract, containing similar conditions to the old "protected tenancy".
There is much better protection for those with an alternative assured tenancy but there are far fewer of these.
It allows Jephson to let properties for an initial period of 12 months before deciding whether to grant the more secure assured tenancy. Jephson says it will send out a clear message that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.