asphalt jungle

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asphalt jungle

The modern city, especially when characterized as congested and crime-ridden.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

as′phalt jun′gle

a crowded urban area regarded as a dangerous place where people struggle constantly for survival.
[1915–20, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ? 01776 860231 The Hidden Gardens, Glasgow This garden oasis in the asphalt jungle of Glasgow's southside was created in the disused wasteland behind The Tramway.
"Let it reverberate in every asphalt jungle and wilds of the archipelago, that the President, without fear nor favour, will continue to govern the nation, with an iron political will, laced with compassion and devotion, to effect the desired changes that will uplift the lives of the masses of our people under a regime of peace and order," he said
With Bogs Mendoza, our ever-efficient pilot since Day One of our pilgrimage that began 12 years ago, behind the wheel again of the ever durable Toyota El Grandia, the homeward-bound band fell asleep almost simultaneously just minutes after the white machine sped back toward the asphalt jungle that is Manila.
Tim Towne pretty much sums up how all four candidates vying for the Mettawa village board see their small Lake County hamlet: "We're a gem of open space in an asphalt jungle," he says.
Actually, while characterized by all concerned as "vacant," in reality the one-acre plot is a lovely, green, forested oasis in the middle of a asphalt jungle, hemmed in on three sides by the Parkview Apartments parking lot, the Scenic Moses Parkway and Buffalo Avenue.
When the famed jeweler turns its gaze to the city, it reimagines the asphalt jungle as an Art Deco fantasy, suggesting a skyscraper glinting in the sunlight.
The Asphalt Jungle - 1950 Directed by John Huston, this tale of backstabbing thieves is a pulsequickening look at moral corruption.
When Marilyn Monroe's first film was shown here (The Asphalt Jungle in 1950) a columnist actually wrote 'How much like our Diana Dors she is.'" One of the most memorable Cannes debuts was in 1953 when French teen Brigitte Bardot became an overnight sensation.
In its place is a rumbling, noisy asphalt jungle named Mindanao Avenue.
They either don't want to know or have no idea of the sordid baseness of the asphalt jungle in town or city life.