artillery fire

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Noun1.artillery fire - fire delivered by artilleryartillery fire - fire delivered by artillery    
firing, fire - the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
cannonade, drumfire - intense and continuous artillery fire
high-angle fire - fire from a cannon that is fired at an elevation greater than that for the maximum range
mortar fire - artillery fire delivered by a mortar
zone fire - artillery or mortar fire delivered in a constant direction at several quadrant elevations
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The investigator will encounter nothing less than a line of battle; there is no need of pickets, videttes, skirmishers, to give warning of our approach; our attacking lines will be visible, conspicuous, exposed to an artillery fire that will shave the ground the moment they break from cover, and for half the distance to a sheet of rifle bullets in which nothing can live.
At one time as we were climbing a slope absolutely exposed to artillery fire I asked her on purpose, being provoked by the way she looked about at the scenery, 'A little emotion, eh?' And she answered me in a low voice: 'Oh, yes!
FO spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal reiterated the government's stance that New Delhi has been targeting civilians with artillery fire, heavy-calibre mortars, and automatic weapons.
The "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest, which was held as part of the International Army Games-2019 in Kazakhstan, ended, APA reports citing Azerbaijani MoD.
Azerbaijani servicemen will take part in the competitions "Sea Cup" in Azerbaijan, "Tank Biathlon" and "Field Kitchen" in Russia, "Masters of artillery fire" in Kazakhstan, "Sniper Frontier" in Belarus and "Military Medical Relay" in Uzbekistan.
The offer included "moratorium on the artillery fire from both sides", according to a report sent to the Indian prime minister's office and seen by the paper.
Summary: Tel Aviv [Israel], May 5 (ANI): Hours after approximately 200 rockets were fired from the Gaza strip towards Israel on Saturday, the latter responded with airstrikes and artillery fire, said the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
SANA's reporter in Hama said that an army unit targeted with precise artillery fire and rockets fortified positions for Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist groups affiliated to it in al-Ankawi village in Hama's northern countryside, destroying their hideouts and inflicting losses upon them.
Tribune Online gathered from a source at 1000 housing Estate nearby Jimtilo in Maiduguri that the explosives sounded like artillery fire coming from foot soldiers testing their weapons.
A pregnant woman and her daughter were killed Saturday by regime artillery fire on Syria's Idlib province, a monitor said, as Damascus prepares an assault on the country's last major rebel bastion.
The lieutenant was honored for volunteering, despite being wounded, in January 1945 to go to the front line near the town of Houssen, France, during the Battle of the Bulge to observe German enemy forces and direct artillery fire against them.

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