army tank

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: tank - an enclosed armored military vehiclearmy tank - an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads
armored vehicle, armoured vehicle - a vehicle that is protected by armor plate
cannon - heavy gun fired from a tank
gun enclosure, gun turret, turret - a self-contained weapons platform housing guns and capable of rotation
military vehicle - vehicle used by the armed forces
panzer - an armored vehicle or tank
tracked vehicle - a self-propelled vehicle that moves on tracks
armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
An army tank shelled a post east of Khan Younis following the incident and fired several flares to light the skies.
Reg "Titch" Snowling, an Army tank gunner in the Second World War, was just 4ft 11in.
Earlier this week, the Syrian army tank crew won the second place in the "Tank Biathlon" competition held in the Russian capital of Moscow.
Kurdish militants in Afrin repelled the Ankara-backed forces' attacks on Thursday and destroyed a Turkish army tank as the Operation Olive Branch continues in the region.
Earlier, the general staff announced the death of five Turkish soldiers in Sheikh Haruz, northeast of Afrin, by a terrorist group that targeted a Turkish army tank. It also said one soldier was killed in clashes with PKK/PYD/YPG and IS terror groups, and another in Turkey's Kilis province in an attack perpetrated by the same terror groups.
Ricardo supplied the protection systems as part of the program in coordination with the Office of Naval Research, the Army Tank Automotive Research Development and Engineering Center and the Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command, he added.
At the end of the First World War, an army tank was given to the town as a thank you for its war contribution, but at the beginning of the Second World War, it was removed so its metal could be used for the war effort.
I was in the "C" company with the Calgary Tank [14th Army Tank Regiment (the Calgary Regiment)] with the TLC [Tank Landing Craft].
Summary: New Delhi [India], July 24 (ANI): Vice Chancellor of Jawahar Lal Nehru University (JNU) Jagdish Kumar said, that the presence of an Army tank in the varsity will remind the students of sacrifices and valor of the defence forces.
AN 18-tonne army tank turned heads when it was put on display in Huddersfield town centre.
Hamidullin, an ex-Soviet army tank commander who later joined the Taliban, was seized after the attack.

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