armistice demarcation line

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armistice demarcation line

A geographically defined line from which disputing or belligerent forces disengage and withdraw to their respective sides following a truce or cease fire agreement. Also called cease fire line in some United Nations operations. Also called ADL. See also armistice; cease fire; cease fire line; peace operations.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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It reported that the Israeli authorities dug more than 26 wells along the armistice demarcation line between Israel and Gaza in an attempt to prevent the flow of ground water.
Previous Lebanese governments have recognized the legitimacy of the southern border with Israel on many occasions, including in 1949, when it formed the basis of the Armistice Demarcation Line, and in 1978 when UN Resolution 425 called on Israel to withdraw from all Lebanese territory "within [Lebanon's] internationally recognized boundaries."Aa
Besides being the Public Relations Officer of the Indian contingent, he also functioned as the deputy public information officer of the six-nation Force entrusted with the task of maintaining peace along the Armistice Demarcation Line between Israel and Arab countries.