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opposed to science or scientific method
the opposition to science or scientific method
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Perhaps purveyors of popular entertainment could also be convinced to change the image of science- and engineering-inclined youth in their productions, cutting down on the ridicule aimed at many of them, and addressing the general antiscience attitude of the audience.
"If your evidence is so solid and unimpeachable, you should be more than happy to lay it on the table, subject it to scrutiny, question our experts, and let us question yours--extensively and mercilessly," he argued, calling the alarmists' agenda un-American, totalitarian, antiscience, and more.
It is very dangerous to one's career to criticize views backed by powerful interests, and I do it only because I believe current trends are antiscience and dangerous to our country.
Bill Nye (2) and theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss (3) question whether religious education is at odds with science education since religiosity might lead to an antiscience mentality.
Another reason that voters are not well-informed is because of continuing "antiscience" positions in mainstream political arenas, something Otto wanted to counter with Science Debate.
Egge is not overly troubled about the antiscience rhetoric bandied about by some potential members of President-elect Trump's administration.
Third, a widespread antiscience sentiment in the United States, along with the degradation of well-reasoned civic discourse, is a risk to the AMS and society in general.
Demetrious' shorthand version is vulnerable to being misread as evincing an antiscience bias.
This critique demonstrates the paradoxical antiscience of Scientific American magazine, implicating poor leadership and demonstrating irresponsible behavior toward its readership and the public.
Much has been written lately about religious and antiscience (or at least junk science) aspects of vaccine refusal.