

acting against plague
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Specialists of Karakol antiplague department took blood counts and punctate from a bubo of the teenager who supposedly died from plague.
He also established a laboratory in Nha Trang, Vietnam, where he developed an antiplague serum that reduced the death rate from 90% to [approximately equal to]7%.
Saratov, Russia: Mikrob Central Antiplague Institute 1928; p.
Moscow refuses to allow Westerners into eight institutions believed to house dangerous pathogens, including five "antiplague" institutes where actual strains are stored, one agricultural pathogen facility, and two (of four closed) major compounds still owned and operated by the Ministry of Defense (MOD).
The epidemic in Mumbo Jumbo is not AIDS but a mysterious antiplague called Jes Grew, which fictionally overtakes the US.
Because of the possibility of septicemic plague (sepsis due to Yersinia pestis ), an aliquot of serum obtained on admission was tested on June 8 at New Mexico Health Department's Scientific Laboratory Division (SLD); the hemagglutination antiplague titer was 2048 (normal: <16).
In this case, the decision to administer plague prophylaxis to contacts was based on the presumptive, postmortem diagnosis of plague, a compatible clinical history and high antiplague serology, and the possibility of pneumonic plague.
* National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan; ([dagger]) Institute for Natural Foci Infections, Omsk, Russia; and ([double dagger]) Antiplague Research Institute of Siberia and the Far East, Irkutsk, Russia