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Research gathered by Expro suggests 19% of the world's gas wells suffer from a degree of leakage while a common location for a well leak (loss of barrier) can typically be found in the annulus between the casing strings.
The maximum stresses on the annulus fibrosus at the upper adjacent level ranged from 0.21 to 0.57 MPa (mean [+ or -] SD: 0.28 [+ or -]0.11 MPa).
Designed with an artificial viscoelastic nucleus and fiber annulus that mimics the anatomic structure of a natural disc, the M6-C device is the only artificial cervical disc available in the U.S.
The incision was continued across the stenotic part in case of a proximal narrowing when the incision was made through the pulmonary valvular annulus, an attempt was made to preserve the cusp by making the incision through the cusp.
It is used for high-risk patients with functional mitral regurgitation, a disease that causes the heart's left ventricle to become enlarged and the valve opening, or annulus, to stretch.
This large and currently underserved patient population could benefit from a fully-percutaneous transcatheter procedure that can repair the dilated mitral annulus and reduce regurgitation without undergoing surgery.
Nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus regions were identified, several regions of interest were chosen, and their ADC values were obtained.
Approximations to the zeros of a polynomial can be drawn by these methods, and these methods can become more efficient when an annulus containing all the zeros of the polynomial is provided.
"The Research and Development team at TUV Rheinland has developed a new tool that fits and enters the annulus between the surface casing and the intermediate casing," remarked Fred Gabriels, the managing director at TUV Rheinland.