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Noun1.Annoyer - someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)annoyer - someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
unwelcome person, persona non grata - a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
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References in periodicals archive ?
Annoyer, Sabine, France) and in the Research Collection of Nicolas Moulin (Monterolier, France).
In any case, I sat down, took out my copy of Bus Driver Annoyer Monthly, and noted that I was sitting opposite a young woman with rollers roughly the size of those hay bales you see in farmland down the M6.
One thing about the Inquirer, it was and has been (and will always be) an equal-opportunity annoyer of the powers-that-be.
She always gives me advice for how to run this business: Don't be annoyer for tourist, shouldn't sell souvenir to tourist while they having food and so on.
MANUEL ANNOYER Germany keeper Manuel Neuer shows his frustration after O'Shea's equaliser last night
It's just a grab-bag channeler of goods and junk, part entertainer, teacher, announcer, annoyer, camera, comedian, shocker, soother, world traveler and occasionally a small wonder offering moments or programs of delight, insight or inspiration.
Apple Annoyer HTC Hero - pounds 399.95 or free on contract www.carphone