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v. an·ni·hi·lat·ed, an·ni·hi·lat·ing, an·ni·hi·lates
a. To destroy completely: The naval force was annihilated during the attack.
b. To reduce to nonexistence: "He had not just to hide his hunger; so as not to go mad he had to annihilate it" (Philip Roth).
c. To defeat decisively: annihilated the league champions in the playoffs.
2. Physics To convert (a subatomic particle) to energy or high-energy particles by annihilation.
1. To be completely destructive.
2. Physics To participate in annihilation. Used of particles and antiparticles.

[Late Latin annihilāre, annihilāt- : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin nihil, nothing; see ne in Indo-European roots.]

an·ni′hi·la·bil′i·ty (-lə-bĭl′ĭ-tē) n.
an·ni′hi·la·ble (-lə-bəl) adj.
an·ni′hi·la′tor n.
Synonyms: annihilate, exterminate, extinguish, obliterate
These verbs mean to destroy completely. Annihilate often implies that the destruction is so severe that nothing is left or salvagable: The cannon blasts annihilated the enemy's fortifications.
Exterminate emphasizes the elimination of that which is considered undesirable, especially by killing: "The land had been rendered treeless, as though a tree were a parasite that needed to be exterminated, its stump uprooted and purged" (Madhusree Mukerjee).
Extinguish is to put an end to something or to make something extinct: The teacher's criticism of my essay extinguished my enthusiasm for the project.
To obliterate is to leave no trace of that which is destroyed: The virus obliterates all data on the hard drive of any computer it infects.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.annihilating - wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destructionannihilating - wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction; "possessing annihilative power"; "a devastating hurricane"; "the guns opened a withering fire"
destructive - causing destruction or much damage; "a policy that is destructive to the economy"; "destructive criticism"
2.annihilating - making light of; "afire with annihilating invective"; "a devastating portrait of human folly"; "to compliments inflated I've a withering reply"- W.S.Gilbert
disrespectful - exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous; "remarks disrespectful of the law"; "disrespectful in the presence of his parents"; "disrespectful toward his teacher"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Will, however, having given that annihilating pinch, was rather ashamed, imagining from Dorothea's silence that he had offended her still more; and having also a conscience about plucking the tail-feathers from a benefactor.
They trick themselves into believing they will outwit the game and win to a future, leaving the other animals to the darkness of the grave or the annihilating heats of the crematory.
He wished that it was an engine of annihilating power.
'Government's agenda is to rule after annihilating the public.
He said the last eight months had been very troublesome as 'the poverty line is being eliminated by annihilating the poor.'
MOSCOW, March 26 (KUNA) -- The top Russian legislator has warned that Washington's support for Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights may turn into a mode of global annihilating ramifications.
Accusing past governments of annihilating state-institutions, Fawad added that Imran Khan-led federal govt utterly believes in self-accountability.
The pair flung bad-tempered insults with Froch vowing to make Groves pay for his perceived lack of respect by "annihilating" his unbeaten opponent when he puts his WBA and IBF titles on the line.
In fact our Western civilization has been victimized by far more devastating, but inconspicuous, annihilating weaponry for the last hall century.
Martinez shocked the boxing world by annihilating Bernard Dunne inside the first round of his previous contest last August, taking the belt from him in the process.
NORTH Korea ye s t e rday warned they would launch an "annihilating" nuclear strike on the US in response to any attack.