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tr.v. an·i·mat·ed, an·i·mat·ing, an·i·mates
1. To give life to; fill with life: the belief that the soul animates the body.
2. To impart interest or zest to; enliven: "voices animated by food, drink, and company" (Anita Desai).
3. To fill with spirit, courage, or resolution: "a wave of exploratory voyages animated by a spirit of scientific inquiry" (Lincoln P. Paine).
4. To inspire to action; prompt: "The merest whisper of Bothwell's death was enough to animate Mary's supporters on the Continent" (John Guy).
5. To impart motion or activity to: The wind animated the surface of the lake.
6. To make or depict using animation: animate a children's bedtime story.
adj. (ăn′ə-mĭt)
1. Possessing life; living. See Synonyms at living.
2. Of or relating to animal life as distinct from plant life.
3. Belonging to the class of nouns that stand for living things: The word dog is animate; the word car is inanimate.
4. Frequently moving; active or vigorous: a bird with an animate tail.

[Latin animāre, animāt-, from anima, soul; see anə- in Indo-European roots.]

an′i·ma·cy n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the state of being alive and animate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Her final section contains not only sample texts but also explanations of such matters as saliency and animacy hierarchies, and manipulating participants in discourse.
(30) These particular trees, whose animacy enabled the ancestral birth of Kennedy as the Kumina Queen, are also central to Tamo epistemologies and ontologies, as they also go by the Tamo name, ceiba.
In her article "Russian evaluative nominalizing suffixes and change in gender", Olga Steriopolo uses the framework of Distributed Morphology to observe and analyze how evaluative suffixes (--an--,--jash--,--jon--,--ul--,--un,--ur--,--us--,--ush--, --ag,--jak,--al--,--jar--,--akh--,--il--,--in--,--ob--,--ot--,--okh--,--jug--,--uk--,--ukh--) influence the change in category features of Russian nouns, such as animacy, declension class and grammatical gender.
These marks are traces of Ancestral potency that were applied to bodies before they came to be transposed onto canvases, which explains their visceral depth--and animacy. This art is not confined to the picture plane: it pulsates and shines.
(2016) Vital wheels: Disability, relationality, and the queer animacy of vibrant things.
Psychological scientist Katherine Powers of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire said that this increased sensitivity to animacy suggested that people are casting a wide net when looking for people they can possibly relate to, which might ultimately help them maximize opportunities to renew social connections, Science Daily reported.
In Estonian, these features are semantic animacy (roughly human/non-human) and the type of the argument questioned (subject/object), the latter being derived from the case form of the pronoun.
The work of Asia Ward also evokes a sense of connection and responsibility and is concerned with themes of animacy and life, renewable energy, and the environment.
The database also included reference to the type of source of the reported information, comprising its animacy value (human vs.
Zoghbi, "Measurement instruments for the anthropomorphism, animacy, likeability, perceived intelligence, and perceived safety of robots," International Journal of Social Robotics, vol.