anesthetic agent

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Noun1.anesthetic agent - a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensationsanesthetic agent - a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations
drug - a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
general anaesthetic, general anesthetic - an anesthetic that anesthetizes the entire body and causes loss of consciousness
intravenous anesthetic - an anesthetic that produces anesthesia when injected into the circulatory system
local anaesthetic, local anesthetic, topical anaesthetic, topical anesthetic, local - anesthetic that numbs a particular area of the body
spinal anaesthetic, spinal anesthetic - an anesthetic that is injected into the spine
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References in periodicals archive ?
Xylazine is a sedative agent but it is also being used as an anesthetic agent in ruminants.
However, some studies do not show any hemo-dynamic difference between propofol and sevoflurane whereas other studies shows better hemodynamic stability with one anesthetic agent as compared to the other12.
Sex, the inhaled anesthetic agent, and interaction between those factors did not influence the QT interval, QTc, or Tp-Te/QT and Tp-Te/JT ratios.
Ketamine, a widely used anesthetic agent, could produce an anti-depressant response in two hours rather than weeks compared to other medications, offering a wholly new approach to treating severe depression, researchers say.
The type of anesthetic agent used was based on the preference and judgment of the attending anesthesiologists.
The characteristics of the local anesthetic agent used are also important in the development of LATS.
The present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of intrathecal pethidine as a sole anesthetic agent and as a postoperative analgesic in surgical procedures below the umbilicus.
During the use of anesthetic solutions, it is important for the clinician to understand the onset, depth, and duration of anesthetic agent in order to choose the right one for the patient.
Today, ketamine is the only known anesthetic agent with analgesic, hypnotic and amnestic effects, which also protects pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes and does not evoke cardiovascular and respiratory depression.