

n, pl -buries
1. (Veterinary Science) a soft spongy tumour occurring in horses and oxen
2. (Botany) dialect Brit another name for clubroot
[C16: of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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LAHORE: This summer residence of the Governor-General in Barrackpore was designed by Captain Thomas Anbury, in English Rennaissance style.
Nick Herring and Olly Mumby gave Berkswell 2nds a 2-0 win against Pershore while Nader Zahrei and Tom Ranner secured the 3rds' 2-2 share at B anbury 5ths.
David Onley, aged 75, from Deddington, Oxfordshire, died on January 21, 2004, and Anthony Bateman, aged 65, from B anbury, died on January 6, 2004, shortly after they were admitted to the accident and emergency department of the Horton General Hospital in Banbury.
Bromsgrove Rovers can book their place in the Southern League Cup semi-finals when they travel to B anbury United.
The letters home of Lieutenant Anbury, a British officer who served in the American colonies during the American Revolution, point to the similarities between bundling and tarrying:
This was also called quarter- racing, according to Thomas Anbury, a British officer who distinguished between sprints and the two-, three-, and four-mile races held every spring and fall in the big towns of Richmond and Williamsburg.
MI Racing promote the LVRC national time trial championships on Sunday (11.30am) over a 23-mile course betwen Southam and B anbury, with headquarters at Ladbrook Village Hall.
David Onley, aged 75, of Deddington, Oxfordshire, died on January 21, 2004, and Anthony Bateman, 65, of B anbury, Oxfordshire, died on January 6, 2004, shortly after they were admitted to the Accident and Emergency department of the Horton General Hospital in Banbury, Oxfordshire, where Geen worked as a staff nurse.
ONE second separated the top two riders in Rugby RCC-Acara's open 10-mile time trial at Princethorpe with Jon Simpkins (B anbury Star CC) clocking 21-51 to edge out Michael Donnelly (Stourbridge CC) by the smallest of margins.
Ten years after its foundation, UGS has grown into a business with 11 sites, ranging from Mr Byegate's home town of Warrington in the north to Exter in the south and from Llanelli in the west to Braintree in the east, taking in Birmingham and its HQ in B anbury in between.
The striker gave the B anbury Roaders the advantage with a stunning cross shot from a short corner move but the visitors bounced back to level through Andy Glover and hold on for a share of the spoils.
STEVE COLBOURNE (1-39-30) of Sphinx AC was third over-50 in the B anbury 15-mile road race.