analytic phonics

analytic phonics

(Education) (functioning as singular) same as phonics2 Compare synthetic phonics
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The National Reading Panel (2000) identifies systematic and explicit approaches as: analogy phonics, analytic phonics, embedded phonics, onset-rime phonics, synthetic phonics, and phonics through spelling.
She adopts an analytic phonics focus while writing about the carrots in the story.
In contrast, analytic phonics suggests teaching the students the word cat and then breaking the word down into its constituent sounds and demonstrating the correspondence to the letters and symbols.
They could use analytic phonics to decode words that were problematic.
Another system - analytic phonics - teaches children letter sounds from sets of words which share a letter and sound, for example "pet, park, push, pen".
That's called "analytic phonics" and has fallen out of fashion.
A study described the progress the children have made from Primary 1 through to the end of Primary 5, focusing on comparing the attainment of boys with that of girls, and examining the extent to which children underachieve when taught by synthetic phonics compared with an analytic phonics program.
* Programs that taught phonics systematically but in different ways - such as synthetic phonics, analogy phonics, and analytic phonics emphasizing phonograms - produced similar effects on reading achievement.
This paper discusses the findings of the NAEP, the NICHD, and the NRP; synthesizes research in reference to synthetic phonics, analytic phonics and systematic and embedded phonics instruction; and discusses study findings which support the usage of systematic synthetic phonics instruction as a means of improving reading skills of urban learners.
Analytic phonics instruction: Teaching students to begin with the whole word, then break into parts.