amphibian family

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Noun1.amphibian family - any family of amphibiansamphibian family - any family of amphibians    
Craniata, subphylum Craniata, subphylum Vertebrata, Vertebrata - fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals
Ambystomatidae, family Ambystomatidae - New World salamanders
Cryptobranchidae, family Cryptobranchidae - large aquatic salamanders: hellbenders; giant salamanders
Dicamptodontidae, family Dicamptodontidae - large and small highly aquatic salamanders
family Plethodontidae, Plethodontidae - small mostly terrestrial New World salamanders having neither lungs nor gills as adults
family Ranidae, Ranidae - a family nearly cosmopolitan in distribution: true frogs
family Leptodactylidae, Leptodactylidae - New World frogs; in some classifications essentially coextensive with the family Bufonidae
family Polypedatidae, Polypedatidae - Old World tree frogs
Ascaphidae, family Ascaphidae - family of one species of frog: tailed frog
Discoglossidae, family Discoglossidae - family of Old World toads having a fixed disklike tongue
family Pelobatidae, Pelobatidae - the amphibian family of spadefoot toads
family Hylidae, Hylidae - the amphibian family of tree frogs
Brevicipitidae, family Brevicipitidae, family Microhylidae, Microhylidae - narrow-mouthed toads and sheep frogs; some burrow and some are arboreal; found worldwide
family Pipidae, Pipidae - tongueless frogs
family Xenopodidae, Xenopodidae - in some classifications the family of the genus Xenopus which is otherwise included in the family Pipidae
Caeciliadae, Caeciliidae, family Caeciliadae, family Caeciliidae - coextensive with the order Gymnophiona: legless amphibians
family - (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
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References in periodicals archive ?
When you first go into, for instance, the amphibian section you are greeted with an overview of the amphibian family. Their history, life processes, classification of species and much, much more.