ambient noise

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Related to ambient noise: background noise

ambient noise

the level of the total noise in an area
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By listening to ambient noise, you'll find that it can be effective at improving these two factors.
The study involved three components - seasonal and geographic detections of humpback whale vocalisations off Oman; characterising ambient noise in the monitored regions; and comparing song structure variation across the western Indian Ocean - with groundbreaking results.
This suggests that "when ambient noise dropped precipitously, the whales were far less stressed," Mann said.
This is also what allows it to reduce the ambient noise. Oh, and plus points for the giant L and R written for the left and right ears.
The ambient noise on the platform is naturally of a much lower intensity than the noise emitted through the headset, and could be even negligible in terms of overall noise exposure.
"The loudspeaker installed in public places cannot have sound level more than 10 dB above ambient noise level at the periphery of a public place and 5 dB above ambient noise level at the periphery of a private place.
Ocean ambient noise is a crucial habitat feature for marine animals because it represents the lower threshold of their acoustically active space.
Research shows moderate ambient noise enhances performance.
Your blinded heroine, Cassandra, visualises her surroundings with echolocation, either by tapping her stick, or from the ambient noise of dripping taps, noisy plumbing or blaring radios.
The MDR-1000X has microphones, not just on the outside to measure ambient noise but also on the inside.
Conexant Systems, Inc., a provider of audio and voice technology solutions said that KT, a Korean telecom corporation, is utilizing its AudioSmart CX20921 Far-Field Voice Input Processor to help the new GiGA Genie voice-controlled virtual assistant media hub to hear users' requests accurately from a considerable distance away from the device, as well as in environments with ambient noise.

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