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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.almond-scented - smelling of almond
odorous - having odor or a characteristic odor; "odorous jasmine flowers"; "odorous garbage"; "fresh odorous bread"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Crushed laurel leaves release dangerous amounts of the almond-scented prussic acid - cyanide.
Prunus mume Beni-chidori is the Japanese apricot and it's a delightful early performer with deep pink almond-scented flowers on bare stems.
Youve probably seen brightly-colored candies made with marzipan, all almond-scented and sweet; think mini carrots with greens that decorate some carrot cakes.
Other evergreen climbing plant choices include Clematis armandii with its delightfully almond-scented white flowers in spring, or semievergreen, such as the chocolate vine, Akebia quinata.
For example: Put a red dot on the bottom of the vanilla-scented eggs; a tiny piece of tape on the bottom of the vinegar-scented eggs; a piece of tape with a tiny black dot on the bottom of the lime-scented eggs; and leave the almond-scented eggs as is.
Inside the cake were layers of delicate almond cake filled with an almond-scented buttercream.
Related to roses, the almond-scented fruits easily pass for true blueberries.
Featuring a patent-pending, bleach-free, almond-scented formula that dissolves stains and residue in 30 minutes without harming fabric, the product cleans garments after a normal wash, saving consumers money and embarrassment.
For example: put a small red dot on the bottom of the vanilla-scented canisters; a tiny piece of tape on the bottom of the vinegar-scented canisters; a piece of tape with a tiny black dot on the bottom of the time-scented canisters; and leave the almond-scented canisters as is.
I was warned over and over by old-timers in my youth to be sure to lay them in a pan of wood ashes and cover them with boiling water for one hour, then discarding the strong-smelling, almond-scented water before drying or using them.
Use its beautiful leaves and sweet almond-scented flowers for your tea or to tincture.
Once the bees are gone, Grange members will treat the wood with Fischer's Bee-Quick, an almond-scented spray that deters bees.