alluvial mining

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alluvial mining

(Mining & Quarrying) a method of extracting minerals by dredging alluvial deposits
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Meanwhile, these are people who have installed heavy machines (changfan) on water bodies and seriously doing alluvial mining without any regulation.
Exumax is a private Colombian based alluvial mining company which, since September 2016, has been progressing the company's exploration and development programme on its near surface platinum and gold assets located in the Choco Region of Colombia.
Alluvial gold has been recovered in numerous historic dredging operations on A-16 and active alluvial mining is being conducted very near the area being Trado sampled by GMV geologists.
This survey will cover a 34 km2 area upstream from the alluvial mining sites.
Further investigation of artisanal alluvial mining as a risk factor for Buruli ulcer is recommended.
The Diamond Development Initiative found that "alluvial mining areas are more vulnerable than others to infectious diseases.
Types of metal mining include placer or alluvial mining and lode or hardrock mining.
Presently Venezuela, Guyana, Indonesia, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Lesotho and Swaziland all produce some diamonds; and alluvial mining in the northwestern part of Hunan Province, China has recently yielded a beautiful 1.2-cm macle twin which appeared in Tucson around ten years ago (Moore, 1993).