all things to all men

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all things to all men

Trying to please everybody, especially when being overly accommodating; from a Bible reference in which St Paul used this phrase of himself, meaning that he was adaptible in trying to spread the Christian message.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ?
If this happens then Labour will truly be all things to all men: in England they can follow a centre right agenda, while Wales and Scotland follow a left of centre agenda.
The DUP in particular has come up with a manifesto it hopes will be all things to all men - although its medieval view of same-sex equality may make it anathema for some.
For never but by British hands, Maun British wrangs be righted!" The bard is all things to all men, but I think canvassers these days would put him down as "undecided".
The Tornado is not just one aircraft type, for this European Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) was a group with five RAF variants that sought to be all things to all men.