algebraic notation

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algebraic notation

(Chess & Draughts) chess the standard method of denoting the squares on the chessboard, by allotting a letter, a, b, c, up to h, to each of the files running up the board from White's side, starting from the left, and a number to each of the ranks across the board, starting with White's first rank
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
algebraische Notation
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The French mathematician, Francois Viete (1540-1603), invented the algebraic notation we use today.
* Helping Students Make Sense of Algebraic Notation.
The teaching of number patterns can sometimes be a daunting endeavour as generalising a number pattern into algebraic notation can prove to be challenging for students.
In subsequent parts, students engage in generalizing the relationship between the co-varying quantities (i.e., number of desks and number of people), representing the relationship as a rule using natural language and algebraic notation (e.g., 2x + 2 = y), and using the rule to make a prediction.
Challenge your Facebook friends to a game by typing '@FBchess play' then using Standard Algebraic Notation to make your moves.
Especially with the latter you need to look for books using algebraic notation.
Students learned the value of each piece, algebraic notation to record their games (the language of chess), and strategies and tactics such as pins, forks, and skewers that could win material or lead to checkmate.
Moreover, most of the papers on business workflow verification focus on such representation like the Petri nets, Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), UML Activity Diagrams (UML-AD), Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), and Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), Piece-Linear Aggregate (PLA) and Algebraic Notation.
Later chapters give ideas for lessons, differentiating instruction, and suggestions for using arithmetic and algebraic notation and proofs in elementary grades.
HP's use of Reverse Polish Notation, a calculation method deemed more accurate and faster than algebraic notation, was at first controversial.

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