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Related to albizia: Albizia lebbeck, jacaranda
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Noun1.albizia - any of numerous trees of the genus Albiziaalbizia - any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia
genus Albizia, genus Albizzia - large genus of unarmed trees and shrubs of Old World tropics
Albizia julibrissin, Albizzia julibrissin, silk tree - attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens
Albizia lebbeck, Albizzia lebbeck, siris, siris tree - large spreading Old World tree having large leaves and globose clusters of greenish-yellow flowers and long seed pods that clatter in the wind
Albizia saman, monkey pod, monkeypod, rain tree, saman, zaman, zamang - large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle
tree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
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Around the airport car parks, Albizia julibrissin (see Plant of the Month) will be shaking its silky pink, sweetly-scented tassels to welcome visitors to the island.
(58) Legumino Sae Dialium guineense (47) Alchornea cordifolia (57) Moraceae Ficus platyphylla (33) Sterculia tragacantha (46) Bridela scleroneura (20) Albizia zygia (39) Vetex doniana (17) Broussonetia papyrifera (38) Mangifera indica (16) Ceiba pentandra (38) Theretia nerrifolia (13) Alstonia boonei (38) Psidium guajava (12) Rauvolfia vormitoria (33) Rubiaceae Mitragyna inermis (12) Citrus senensis (27) Citrus sinensis (8) Theobroma cacao (25) Ceiba pentandra (8) Tectona grandis (24) Cola nitida (8) Persea americana (23) Terminalia catapa (8) Mangifera indica (23) Antiaris toxicaria (7) Cleistophlis patens (23) Persea americana (7) Gilbertiodendron spp.
He said that during the plantation drive mostly indigenous plant species had been used namely in the greenbelts mostly planted trees were Siris (Albizia lebbek,) Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia), (Sapium chinensis), Kachnar (Bauhinia variegate), Amaltas (Casia fistula), Gul Nishter (Erithrina indica), Silver Oak (Grevilea robusta), Arjun, Ficus Pelicon (Ficus pelican), Sukh Chain, Dhak (Butea frondosa), Pear (Pyrus pasha), Plum Peaches (Prunus padus) Shrubs: Tecoma stans, Holmskiodia.
Rain tree or (Albizia saman) is a species of flowering tree in the pea family.
Entre os taxons representantes da area amostrada Albizia polycephala, Buchenavia capitata, Casearia sylvestris, Myrcia sylvicata e Tapirira guianensis, sao especies frequentemente citadas em levantamentos floristicos realizados nas florestas serranas nordestinas (Tabela 1).
Mimosa, Albizia julibrissin Durazz (Fabaceae), was introduced in the mid-1700s as an ornamental in the US.
Dutra & Medeiros Filho (2009) observed increase of germination percentage in seeds of lebbeck tree (Albizia lebbeck L.
Some common trees are Azadirachtia indica, Bauhinia saccocalyx, Diospyros rhodocalyx, Acacia leucophloea, Acacia harmandiana, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia lebbekkoides, Albizia procera, Spondia pinnata, Lannea coromandelica and Maerua siamensis besides other evergreen trees, dense shrubs and small trees in between the departments, roadsides, vacant lots and along the periphery of the campus.