air delivery

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air delivery

See: airdrop; air landed; air movement; air supply.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The announcement Wednesday comes two months after FedEx terminated its air delivery contract with Amazon.
FedEx ( said in June that it is already going to end its air delivery contract with the online retail company. 
With a Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of 30m3/hr at its max speed, the Atmosphere Drive system purifies the air and reduces three hundred and 13 different gaseous contaminants," the company said in a statement.
The firm's services include wheel or skid mounted units for enhanced mobility, coupling of units for increased air delivery, conversion for zone 2 use (spark arrestor, chalwyn valve and battery isolation switch) and 20-metre air hose
* Accumulators, actuators, air delivery systems and air motors.
The supply air delivery rate that meets the ventilation, air distribution, dehumidification, and heating and cooling requirements of pool spaces is defined by ASHRAE in air changes per hour (ach), which can be converted to cfm or L/s:
The company offers road and air delivery services in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.
The 8 Series line-up initially comprises of 10 models, ranging from the XAS 38 Kd, with a free air delivery of 2m3/min, to the XAS 88 Kd, with an air delivery of 5m3/min.
The aircraft is designed to establish new standards in its category, with a lower operating cost and the flexibility to perform a variety of missions: cargo and troop transport, troop and cargo air delivery, aerial refueling, search and rescue, and combating forest fires, among others.
However, it would still take some time before it is used routinely to deliver pizzas, as currently, such a system of air delivery does not have the government's approval.
THESE dramatic images were taken in North Wales as members of the Joint Air Delivery Test and Evaluation Unit (JADTEU), an elite RAF-commanded unit, were training how to climb into a giant Chinook helicopter while it was hovering at Caernarfon Airport.

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